Top 10k strings from Spectrum Adventurer - Issue 09 (1987)(Spectrum Adventure Exch Club)(Side B).tzx
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10 3 mnXXXXXXXd 3 dXXXXXXXmn 2 jooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooin 2 ;"PRESS A KEY" 2 ;"MacGregor": 2 1987 S.A.E.C. 2 1 your phone will be 1 written by Graeme Yeandle. 1 unavailable for normal use 1 packet. You will need a bottle of water.Drop all objects in the Wellie house to get them in part 2. 1 of the sentence enclosed in quotes) which is dealt with as aseparate sentence by the PAW system, and a preposition. 1 o)oAoRojolo 1 mnXXXXXXX+mnXN 1 mkllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllh6R 1 mkllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllh 1 kqr#rqr&yqr' 1 jooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooinXXX 1 g)gNgegrg{g 1 eddddddddeddddddddedddddddde 1 edddddddde 1 advertisements which name the costs as ""only 20p a day"". But be warned. 20p a day is a sub- scription of of `16.50 a quarterplus the cost of the modem, plusthe cost of the phone call - (around 50p an hour cheap rate). 1 Z$=" " 1 You will have seen the Micronet 1 XXXmnXXXXXXX+mnXX 1 XNmnXXXXXXX+mnXN 1 XNmkllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllh 1 Wrightchoice Software is a new software house specialising in Spectrum adventures. Their firstrelease is Operation Stallion (see Reviews on Side 1). It is the first part of a trilogy. Thefirst person to complete the trilogy will win `500. 1 What's the catch I hear you say!Well, there isn't one. The tape magazine on offer is called BLAST IT! and because it is no longer being published you can have the last issue for the price of a stamp and a blank cassette." 1 Version C02 1 VERY BIG CAVE 1 Unlike a ""normal"" computer magazine, reviews can be added at any time so there is a grow- ing database of information. 1 UDG's at 27356 1 To use the codes, AZAP CODE ---,(a three letter code which you will find by examining objects in descriptions, e.g. 1 Those used to writing on The Quill will be overjoyed that 256flags are available and there are 100 conditions and acts. 1 This trilogy also has a prize of`500 for the first person to complete it. 1 This service is MICRONET 800, part of PRESTEL, BT's viewdata service. A full explanation of viewdata would be out of place here, but basically PRESTEL is asuper-teletext service with a few hundred thousand pages instead of a few hundred. 1 The simplest and cheapest way to access Prestel is by using a Spectrum and a VTX500 modem. This device connects your computer to the telephone (you access the database by using thestandard telephone network) and is probably the most popular combination of computer/modem inthe country. 1 The adventure reviews are all very detailed and give the impression that the writers actually know what they are talking about. New reviews are added frequently and there is lots for Spectrum users as befits the popularity of the machine. 1 TEXT *L 1 Stanford-le-Hope 1 Sentences may be linked by ANDor THEN and pronouns such as IT can be used. 1 Prestel doesn't come cheap andcompared to the cost of SPECTRUMADVENTURER each month, is pricedfar too high to consider using it for adventuring only. 1 Press any key for the Main Menu 1 Other points worth noting - objects have weights, the graphics are displayed ultra- quickly and the long awaited GETALL command is there. 1 Operation Stallion is available now. Parts 2 and 3 will be released in April and August '87respectively. 1 ODDS & ENDS 1 NEXT MONTH 1 Modem stands for Modulator/ Demodulator, and works by chang-ing the signals from your computer into a serial line of data which it then transmits along the phone line. 1 Many requests are answered the same day. You can write ""letters"" to the editors or justtalk to other adventurers on CHATLINE. It is fascinating to meet people who share the same interests as yourself. 1 LOADER 1 K$=" 1 J Roseaman 1 It's little wonder that most of the software in Europe seems to be pirated. We at S.A.E.C. do not condone piracy but it is understandable that some people will refuse to pay such high prices. If prices were lower... 1 HINTS ON THE 1 HINTS ON KAYLETH 1 GETTING STARTED:- You start strapped to a conveyor belt. BREAK BANDS, then either SIT UP or ROLL OFF. You now have to go to the Production Control Unit to PULL LEVER to stop the alarmsor you will be destroyed. 1 GENERAL HINTS:- There are six Azap Chambers. By entering a code you can go from one to another depending on the code. The one marked with DX logo is death. Avoid it! 1 Full sentences such as QUIETLYSAY TO OSYTH ""PLEASE TAKE THE BLACK SWORD FROM THE SMALL BOX"" are permissible - sentences may consist of a verb, adverb, 2 nouns, a string (like the part 1 For those of you who groan at the price of adventures (and whodoesn't these days!), spare a thought for Peter van Wingerden of Hellevoetsluis in Holland. 1 For the information of regularMicronet users, my mailbox number is 1 Examine everything carefully in the next few locations. To open the cannister, WEAR GLOVES, OPENTAPE, STICK TAPE ONTO CANNISTER. 1 E$=" 1 Do most of the game without inserting the Data codes. You need to use each one twice for aspecific task. Dexta only when you need to fire a plasma bolt at something. 1 Created with Ramsoft MakeTZX 1 Contained on the ""pages"" of Micronet is a full adventure database covering reviews, tips,hints, swaps and general advent-ure news. 1 C$="We look at Melbourne House's latest adventure games - Dodgy Geezers and Kwah!. Prehistoric Adventure from Crusader Computing and The Crown from Wrightchoice." 1 C$="We have lots of hints, tips and solutions for you from the quills of our intrepid adventurespecialists." 1 C$="There is a great adventure for you to play." 1 C$="HINTS ON THE VERY BIG CAVE ADVENTURE" 1 C$="HINTS ON KAYLETH" 1 C$=" All this and lots more in the next issue of Spectrum Adventurer." 1 Back to adventuring. The service I will describe is on the CLUBSPOT pages and is simplya bigger, better and more frequently updated version of any computer magazine's adventure pages. 1 Apart from the reviews, hints and tips, there are small ads for the purpose of swapping adventures, a gossip column which is the pits compared to the satire of Sinclair User's Gremlin. There is a section devoted to bugs in adventures which was last updated in June! 1 Another difference is the ""atmosphere"" of the system. You can converse with the editors, chat to other people or send in reviews yourself. 1 All Wrightchoice adventures cost`6.95. 1 Adventure X 1 ALEX MARSH 1 ;"STOP THE TAPE": 1 ;"P-00{00} TAPE 9 1 ;"IS LOADING" 1 ;" ": 1 56 Redlie Close 1 +d3d:dAdJdVdbdidpdwd~d 1 ''"(We hope to review Gilsoft's Professional Adventure Writer inthe near future - Ed)." 1 '"Wrightchoice are looking for good quality adventures. Get in touch with them if you think youhave an adventure worth publish-ing." 1 '"The first adventure is in two parts. Part one called ""Journey""was released on 1st February andpart 2 entitled ""Destiny"" will be available in June. The rest of the trilogy will be released by Christmas '87." 1 '"Peter recently paid `15 for Robin of Sherwood, and it's not just software that's expensive, computer magazines such as Your Sinclair and Sinclair User cost around double their U.K. price!" 1 '"My faithful readership will probably notice a subtle change in the format of this article compared with previous writings,i.e. it's not about a particulargame but a service which should be of interest to all readers." 1 '"If you would like a copy of a free tape magazine - no it's not Spectrum Adventurer! - send a blank C30 cassette and an 18p stamp to cover postage to:-" 1 '"Having said that, I spend roughly two hours a night on Micronet, just talking to peoplearound Britain. You can also chat to celebrities who allow themselves to be ""interviewed"" online - recent examples have been Christopher Reeve, Barry McGuigan and the irrepressible Mel Croucher." 1 '"As a final example of the facilities of the system, I ""spoke"" to Tim Gilberts of Gilsoft the other day and within10 minutesn information I had requested on the Professional Adventure Writer program from his company had been sent via Prestel to me and printed out onmy battered old ZX printer. So here it is, straight from the horse's mouth the specificationsof Gilsoft's latest adventure creator..." 1 '"Another trilogy is on the way from Wrightchoice. 1 " The whole thing has a very ""clubby"" feeling about it, nobody really has absolute editorial control and the readeris always given the feeling thathe matters." 1 " Micronet's figures are now strangely trebled and I still haven't included Prestel's ""timecharge"" which is 6p a minute if you use the service between 8.00am and 6.00pm on week days." 1 " I'm sure that explains every- thing. You cannot access the system through a party line, andbear in mind that while you are connected, 1 " Before I start explaining the facilities of the service, a fewwords about the equipment you will need, and, shock-horror, the COST of it." 1 " As well as reading articles you can interact with the service and ask for help." 1 !v`6\#6Y##6 1 the database Editor or of the 1 copying, hiring or lending of 1 and I am often found on the Chatlines under my own name or my alias, Zem. 1 You must play the arcade game (once only), to get a treasure. 1 To carry the log you must leapfrog with the lamp. Be careful, you can only make one move in the dark before getting nobbled.Drop the log at the west end of the hall. 1 There is a pellet in the box from Gotham City. Water it in The Brand New Parser Cave after the troll has dropped a 1 Open can of cheers to get pastsnake. 1 Manual is strictly prohibited. 1 IN GOTHAM CITY:- First get boxand then go to bubbles. EXAMINE BUBBLES, GET CANNISTER. Go to the Art Gallery. Wait until the Jester appears. EXAMINE VALVE, TURN VALVE and TAKE PAINTING. When Batman goes to a building go to searchlight, TURN SWITCH. Get file and diary. Go to the heart of Gotham City and wait. You will be taken out of the city. 1 ADVENTURE 1 1987 S.A.E.C." 1 1983 GILSOFT. Unauthorised 1 A character designer and text compressor come as standard. Fordisc users, Opus and Beta disc versions are being produced. 1 (this is not one, just an example). 1 The Quill Adventure System 1 All this and lots more in the next issue of Spectrum Adventurer.Y 1 RESET YOUR COMPUTER AND LOAD"""" FOR THE DR GOO ADVENTURE 1 (Sorry, certain members of my family insisted on that being underlined...(but I flashed it instead - Ed).)" 1 Z 1 R! 1 " 1 Bp 1 1